The 7 month journey

I spent 7 months in 2017 painting a commission for a Christmas present for a military family, him a career Army officer, her the other half of the partnership holding down the home fort while he served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and stints in the field for months  at a time.  It was a complicated project, because adults have more character in their faces than kids, so I am learning to paint those identifying marks and shadows.   I wanted Danny to recognize the decorations on his uniform, so that was one day’s session with a tiny brush.  I have a special place in my heart for this couple, so I wanted them to recognize themselves and the love I put into the painting.  They seemed surprised when they were presented with the work, hopefully because it was what they least expected, but also because they understood what a special project this was for me.  Anna and Danny are now on the front page of my website.  Please contact me if you might like to have me paint someone special in your life.

Anna & Danny

Anna & Danny


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